I'm Smitten
Last weekend I went to a book signing. I'd never been to a book signing so I didn't know what to expect, though I can confidently say I didn't think the crowds would be comparable to the queues to vote (too soon?).

But she was like a celebrity, and others lined up and waited 2+ hours like I did because we were enamored.  'She' is Deb Perelman, or the voice behind the Smitten Kitchen blog and she's a door bell [read:adorable!].  The book she was signing was her first cookbook. And it's glorious.

I'm smitten with the Smitten Kitchen because she makes food that's approachable. Enticing. And it doesn't hurt that her photos are drool-inducing. But mostly it's because she's real (ok it also doesn't hurt that she reminds me of my childhood-era 2nd mom).  She got into this biz because she 'likes to eat'.  I can relate to that on so many levels.

Deb is a self-taught home cook who proves that success is a lot about patience & perseverance, having taken 6 years from the blog's birth for this book to come to fruition.  This is something I often need to remind myself of, as I tend to prefer having overnight successes with time left to daydream of beach vacations & champagne at every meal. 

I will persevere though, because I really believe people's lives are better when they eat more cookies....and those cookies might as well be Marlos.
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