New Year, New Flavor...and More Newness!

New Year, New Flavor...and More Newness!
We've been busy in the test kitchen developing our next MARLO flavor to blow your mind. Our new flavor survey (thank you for participating!) combined with some recipe fiddling and a panel of very kind taste testers made it clear what the people want: Gluten free. Fruit. Nuts.Since we're not...

Understanding LA

The Handsome Helper and I spent last Friday on route 5, driving south to LA for a big foodie event called Artisanal LA.  I wasn't sure what expect out of the weekend for a couple reasons:1.) I had prior only participated in one other market/event that was comprised of all...

A Sunday Affair

A Sunday Affair
On a gorgeous Sunday afternoon in late July, some folks got together to cook and some others came as well to eat. Those who came to cook did so with the intention of creating and sharing great food with those who came to eat.

Sweet Summer Inspirations

Sweet Summer Inspirations
Despite my fervent love for all things sweet, sugary and/or laced with chocolate, my end-all-be-all confection of choice is marshmallows. Not those fancy-pants handmade ones that you can find in posh markets or specialty food stores, rather the marshmallows in the plastic pouches that are usually 'puffed by jets' and...

An Over-21 Take on One of Summer's Delights

An Over-21 Take on One of Summer's Delights
Every once in a while, I get an itch to make something in the kitchen aside from Marlos. I know, total shocker, right? Sometimes I use a recipe, sometimes I don't, but I always let the fresh products we can find here in Cali guide me towards the end product.To...

Workin' it...

Initially, my goals for the first half of 2013 didn't seem incredibly lofty or particularly impressive:1.) Get my finances in order. i.e. learn Quickbooks. i.e. Try to remember an eighth of what I learned in my Financial Accounting class from college... (only the phrase 'bad debts' initially came to mind)2.)...

Image is Everything!

I've been getting phenomenal feedback from all my taste testers, fans & customers throughout the last few months (thank you, merci, danke, grazie!!!).  The comments that I'm most proud of can be found on Raving Reviews, but the ones that have been most constructive are those that provide commentary on...

Why Bake Them Twice?

Why Bake Them Twice?
Traditional, Italian biscotti is what comes to most peoples' minds when they first think of a twice-baked cookie. This technique calls for the baker to shape the dough-y batter into loaves, bake them once & then slice them down and bake the product once again.  This second bake ensures that...

Sharing Marlo's with The World (...of The Bay Area)

Last week Vince and I had another marathon session of baking at Tante Marie's Cooking School in preparation for the Underground Market we would be a vendor at shortly thereafter. Starting earlier this time (an obscene 4:30am oven pre-heat)  led to grumpier bakers, stronger coffee as fuel & louder music...