I was thinking...Marlo's Bakeshop cookies would be the perfect stand-in for Nilla wafers. On a hot day most people want to keep it simple. Our recipe below has fewer than 10 ingredients and is a cinch to make.
Let's face it, sometimes we look for any reason to add some booze to our coffee. Too much of a good thing? Never. Check out this St. Patricks Day treat.
Peanut Butter. Banana. Oats. Crunch. What else is there? This recipe is a perfect breakfast bite that will hit you with your protein and satisfy your tastebuds.
This twist on a parfait will hit all the right taste buds. With a mix of some traditional ingredients and your favorite soft-baked biscotti, this recipe will have you wondering why you didn't make more!
After a day of sampling one (or five..) too many test batches of new dessert recipes and soft-baked biscotti flavors, my body starts rebelling and urges me to purge myself of all the sugar it ingested. My quickest, sure-fire way to do this? A good, sweaty workout and my daily...
This recipe appealed to me more than others because it wasn’t fussy and used simple, basic ingredients that most of us have in our pantries, save the fresh strawberries and rhubarb. If you can’t stop at a road stand in Napa county to buy just-picked berries like I can- well, I’m sorry you don’t live in Northern California - but I am sure farmers’ market berries in any part of the country will be phenomenal stand-ins this time of year.
This recipe is easy enough though to tackle mid-week. A lot of the time is takes it just stirring and cooling. With this toffee you can delight colleagues at the office, shower lucky friends with treats or package them in a cute box with ribbon for a homemade holiday gift. So go on now- get out that candy thermometer!